She's on an all-expense paid Fantasy vacation, not a Habitat for Humanity mission. Jake also does his part to support the poor by buying Gia a heart necklace, which she vows to never take off of her wrist - the poor don't make good ...
Speak of the devil, we immediately flash to "San Francisco" where Mean Ali is inexplicably in a hotel room instead of her apartment, and on the nightstand beside her are two 8 x 10 glossies of Jake-As-The-Bachelor! ...
Ingalaterra hegoaldean kokatu du McEwanek kontakizuna, Chesil izeneko hondartzan, baita Florence eta Edward protagonistek beren ezkon gaua igaroko duten hotel ponposoan ere. ... Literatur kontuez urruntzen hasi orduko, nabari da lumaz aparte mihia ere zorrotza duela. Elkarrizketetan emandako erantzunei erreparatuz gero, esate baterako, ematen du tematuta dagoela islamarekin. Zera dio Tahar Ben Jelloun idazleak kontu honi buruz: ?Europako intelektualek kezkatuta dirudite ...